What happens to the Intrenational Salon of the classic vehicle Auto Retro Barcelona?

I had doubts for weeks, whether or not to go to the Auto Retro 2017. On the one hand, as a good fan of the classics in general and a member of the Association, my positive side said that I could not miss the International Classical Vehicle Show in Barcelona, ​​which It is already in its thirty-fourth edition, which makes it one of the most important in southern Europe. On the other hand, my most critical side advised me to give up because I personally did not bring any news in the latest editions I could visit.

I had been receiving info for weeks, via social networks, of what I was going to undertake this edition, in first impression not great news, which reinforced my criticism by my side supported by a price of € 15 entry and that did not help a final decision positive.

When I thought I had my decision made in the direction of a no, in the last breath supported by one of my best friends and the curiosity that could be cooked in the spare parts section, I decided to take my ticket for Saturday morning, predictably the day of maximum affluence of the hall.

In the arrival I meet Toni Garcia and his incombustible and beautiful Impala Rally, next to the corralito of the companions of the Moto Club Impala. After greeting him and taking the opportunity to see that collection Impala live, I entered the main Pavilion, but with determination towards the spare parts area, I left for later the exhibition area, competition and playpen among private individuals.

I get to the spare parts area and saving the car section, which I know little, I am in the bike section with more of the same. What does it mean more of the same? Well, the stops and paradistas are the same as they were years ago and the same as any classic motorbike saloon that you can cover all over the penisnula. Very fast conclusion, no news and those € 15 begin to sting. I take this opportunity to say hello to people that I am excited about, conversations and changes of impression of how the classic motorcycle sector is.

After spending a lot of time in the morning in the spare parts section, I went inside the exhibition area. Except the beautiful tribute to the great bodybuilder Pedro Serra, I continue with my opinion on the Retro Auto, more of the same and the same cars on display as the other editions, but this time I miss Seat Classic Cars and its beautiful factory collection .

Change of pavilion and I enter the competition zone, perhaps the one that motivates me the most, but I do not find great surprises, except for a beautiful expo on the Circuit de Montjuïc and some jewels like the Ducati or Montesa at 24h. To highlight also the beautiful collection of the vehicle park of the Firemen of Barcelona, ​​authentic jewels.

Then I move to the area of ​​the corralito retail between individuals, in which I find jewelry collection that if I had my full portfolio would accompany me back home, but for now only delights my eyes.

Finally, I return to the spare parts area to take a quiet look at the area of ​​scale cars and books, in which I find very curious things, especially in the book and magazine section.

When I was about to leave the premises to return home, I found a section called “Start your engines”, famous phrase used to start the engines in the 500 miles of Indianapolis, in the outer square, well, after chafardear I see that what consists is in starting and giving some accelerations to different exposed racing vehicles.

We started with a Yamaha 2T competition, beautiful, and that sounds like celestial music, followed by the Bultaco 250 TSS with which Juan Bultó has proclaimed champion in USA 2017, but in the vehicles comes the debacle.
Saving a beautiful R5 Turbo 2 “Fat ass” street, we continue with a Peugeot 106 Gr.N, which sounds like any of those who have the kids with tubarro, followed by a BMW 323 street and R5 Alpine Tunning more than anything else . Thinking that it might have been more interesting to bring old glories of competition that would have delighted the most purists, I decided to end my visit to Auto Retro 2017.

Conclusion as I return to the bike:

What happens to the AutoRetro? Where is this classic vehicle that I so marveled and that caused me to return home.
We are talking about an International Show, in which I do not discover any surprising novelty and in which the spare parts section confirms in my thoughts that the future is on the internet and not at the fairs.
The expo zone leaves to be desired, Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes .. This is fine, but the classics are many more brands and perhaps the interest in more utilitarian cars that are not exclusive, in any of the thousands of concentrations of classics that nowadays there is in any corner of the geography, we can find an offer greater than that of Auto Retro.

I wonder … are there too many fairs? Is the sector saturated? Missing fresh air in every way? The price of the ticket corresponds to what they offer us?

We will see it in the coming years, but my conclusion is that I think it takes a 180º turn and look for new motivations, a sector that is passionate for adults and children and that has to remain one of the pillars of our automotive heritage.

The worrying thing is that it is not my conclusion, I have been able to confirm that it is the conclusion of many of the visitors of Auto Retro.

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